Saving lives...

Say goodbye to wasted time.

Our ICS can directly hook up to conventional walking signs and red light systems to transform any intersection into a smart one. This will autonomously direct traffic in a way that greatly improves commute times, energy savings, and reduces traffic violations all while increasing safety.

V2X allows everything on the road to
connect with eachother


Bring the power of autonomy to your corner.

Reap the benefits of autonomy without waiting.
Faster Commutes
Increased Safety
Increased Productivity
Better Quality of Life
The Intelligent Crossing Signal (ICS) is similar to the Smart Crosswalk Sign (SCS), with the added functionality to switch the traffic signals. The ICS can analyze traffic / pedestrian activity and then switch the traffic light and walking sign appropriately.

It can be installed on any street corner to scan cars, cyclists, pedestrians, and more to anticipate and prevent accidents before they happen.

Let's see it in action.

Watch as we prevent a rear-end collision


Transform any intersection

The ICS can easily transform any conventional traffic light into an intelligent one that can identify pedestrians and cars to change the traffic light and walking signal appropriately.

Provide non-line-of-sight awareness

You can’t see things out of your line of sight, but we can. When a cyclist or person approaches an intersection, the ICS will evaluate the situation. In the case of an inevitable collision, we automatically alert nearby vehicle safety / ADAS technology systems

Traffic Light Control

The ICS will intelligently monitor cars at an intersection and direct them by changing the traffic signals in a safe and efficient way. Taking into account pedestrians, cyclists, and any incoming threats.

Make commutes upto 50% faster

Get to your destination 50% faster thanks to our Traffic Light Control feature, which eliminates unnecessary stop / go cycles. Say goodbye to waiting at a red light unnecessarily.

Adapts to traffic conditions

Built-in safety systems consider times where cars, bikes, or pedestrians violate traffic signals. For example, if a car passes a red light, the light will change and nearby vehicle safety systems will receive an alert in an attempt to prevent an accident.

Built in fail-safe

Built-in safety systems consider times where cars, bikes, or pedestrians violate traffic signals. For example, if a car passes a red light, the light will change and nearby vehicle safety systems will receive an alert in an attempt to prevent an accident.

The ICS sends traffic & safety info
about the road to your vehicle


Then, as traffic conditions change,
we change the traffic signals

The ICS can be installed at any intersection & save lives autonomously.

Let’s see how it works


Sense & Detect

The smart bionic system built in to the SCS harnesses the power of our proprietary ITS technology. Our solution combines multiple cutting-edge algorithms to see objects and identify traffic patterns to predict future outcomes.



Our built-in biometric system combines years of collecting data, fine-tuning algorithms, and rigorous testing to deliver an accurate identification system that helps the SCS recognize vehicles, cyclists, and people.



The motion detection system included in the SCS was built from the ground up to excel in precisely detecting motion, speed, and trajectory to map it virtually for our intelligent bionic system to analyze.



Using C-V2X and ADAS technology, we can transmit wireless alerts and notices to vehicles built in safety system and prevent major accidents. The SCS can also interconnect with other SCS devices to build a more complete picture of traffic conditions.



In the case of an inevitable collision, the SCS can display visual alerts, send notifications to the dashboard of your car, or force you to brake using ADAS technology. The visual alerts are made using a customizable LED setup, which can warn vehicles, as well as notify pedestrians to stop or go.



Once the conditions are safe and a car or pedestrian is in need of crossing, the ICS will automatically communicate with the traffic lights to direct traffic appropriately. The time saved can increase the productivity and monetary output of a city, providing value for anyone who commutes at any time.


Save lives

By digitizing our roads and predicting traffic accidents moments before they happen, the SCS can save countless lives every year and make modern cities feel safer for everyone.

Key Features

Private & secure

Security and privacy are major concerns for a device with these capabilities. That’s why we’ve employed the most effective measures in preventing cyberattacks or privacy concerns. Our device uses blockchain technology to create a secure private network, and complies with all privacy regulations.

Plug & play

A qualified technician, power, and 15 – 30 minutes is all it takes to start enjoying the efficiency and safety benefits of our SCS. Our plug & play system can hook up to existing power sources or utilize solar power, all without interfering with existing infrastructure.

Stay cool

CPUs like to stay cool, but not too cool. The SCS features a built-in temperature control system that can cool and heat the computer, allowing it to operate efficiently even under the harshest summer heat or coldest winter months.


The SCS can be used to collect data from itself, the road, and short-range IOT devices that exist in public infrastructure. For example, the SCS can collect data from an IOT sensor placed in a garbage can to know whether it is full or not. Our analytics tool can aggregate this information in a customizable way.


Innovation is our standard. We work side-by-side with our clients to help solve their unique problems and address specific needs using our technology. From initial setup to continued operation, the SCS was created with flexibility in mind.

We got you covered

Every WiseGuard customer receives our standard support package, which includes software updates and upgrades with a single click, a 12-month Hardware Warranty with Full Coverage, and a 10-year Software Warranty with Onsite Technical Support.

One device,
unlimited possibilities

Want to know how our technology can transport your city to the future?
Reach out to our team for inquires by visiting the contact page.

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